Art and Inspiration III

What makes  a photographer GREAT?

This month I find myself inspired by a few posts that came up in my social networks.  One of them listed Great Landscape Photographers. Contemporary image makers from around the world.

Here's another link called 50 Most Outstanding Photographers' Portfolio for Inspiration

I am a member of the Nature, Landscape, Travel and Wildlife Photography forum on linked in and this week a member posted this list, compiled for an article in the UK, by Professional Photographer magazine, lists the 100 Most influential photographers of all time

I would love to hear your opinions and wonder if you have been inspired or remain inspired by photographers.

  • Who inspired you to take up photography?
  • Has that photographer's work changed how you see the world?
  • If you were to write a list of the most influential photographers of all time, who would be on that list?

Kit's Inspiration List: Photographers who influence me. 

As a young girl, I was always the one in my family to carry a camera and make photos.  My first camera was my fathers brownie, then for 8th grade graduation my parents bought me the Polaroid Swinger, and for High School Graduation a Mamiya, followed by a Pentax K1000.

I began making photos in college, in 1974, we had a sweet darkroom, but I never committed time to the process.  Then in 1982 I decided to teach Photography at Bayonne High School and went back to school to study Photography, black and white, and took a plethora (I always love that word) of photo courses at the New School, Parsons and a local college too.  At that time, I was most interested in the technical aspects of Photography, black and white, 35mm and medium format.  I love the unpeopled landscape and travelled west to California to take photos using the zone system in places like Carmel and the Sierras.

At that time I was most influenced, and I liked the work of these men and women: 

Kit's Inspiration List: Artists who influence me. 

Are they the same thing?  I separated the lists here just to show a broad range of my interests.

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